Benjamin Britten
The Complete Works for Oboe
CM 0102004
Six Metamorphoses after Ovid, op. 49 (1951) for oboe solo. Dedicated to Joy Boughton
1 |
Pan, who played upon the reed pipe which was Syrinx, his beloved |
[2:20] |
2 |
Phaeton, who made upon the chariot of the sun for one day and was hurled into the river Padus by a thunderbolt |
[1:13] |
3 |
Niobe, who, lamenting the death of her fourteen children, was turned into a mountain |
[2:35] |
4 |
Bacchus, at whose feast is heard the noise of gaggling women’s tattling tongues and shouting out of boys |
[2:30] |
5 |
Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image and became a flower |
[3:40] |
6 |
Arethusa, who, flying from the love of Alpheus the river god, was turned into a fountain |
[2:25] |
7 |
Phantasy Quartet, op. 2 (1932) for oboe, violin, viola and cello.
Dedicated to Leon Goossens |
[12:35] |
Insect Pieces, op. posth. (1935)
Arranged for oboe and string orchestra by Leonid Hoffman |
8 |
The Grasshoper |
[3:22] |
9 |
The Wasp |
[1:52] |
Temporal Variations, op. posth. (1936).
Arranged for oboe and string orchestra by Viktor Kozodov and Alexei Utkin.
Dedicated to Montagu Slater
10 |
Theme. Andante rubato |
[1:32] |
11 |
Oration. Lento quasi recitativo |
[1:41] |
12 |
March. Alla marcia |
[1:16] |
13 |
Exercises. Allegro molto e con fuoco |
[1:02] |
14 |
Commination. Adagio con fuoco
[1:28] |
15 |
Chorale. Molto lento |
[1:57] |
16 |
Waltz. Allegretto rubato |
[1:16] |
17 |
Polka. Tempo di Polka. Allegro |
[1:37] |
18 |
Resolution. Maestoso (ma non troppo lento) |
[1:46] |
Total time [46:39] |

Text of the booklet is available in English, German, and Russian.

Alexei Utkin, oboe (1 – 18)
Hermitage Chamber Orchestra
Pyotr Nikiforov, 1st violin (7 – 18)
Ilya Norshtein, 1st violin (8 – 18)
Maria Trishina, 1st violin (8 – 18)
Anna Poletaeva, 2nd violin (8 – 18)
Nadezhda Sergiyenko, 2nd violin (8 – 18)
Eugeny Sorkin, 2nd violin (8 – 18)
Fyodor Belugin, viola (7 – 18)
Zoya Nevolina, viola (8 – 18)
Ekaterina Dossina, cello (7 – 18)
Olga Kazantseva, cello (8 – 18)
Michael Khokhlov, double bass (8 – 18)
Acknowledgements to the Britten–Pears Library and Dr. Nicholas Clark personally for providing valuable information on the recorded compositions.
Recording Details
Microphones - Neumann km130
DPA (B & K) 4006
DPA (B & K) 4011
All the microphone buffer amplifiers and pre-amplifiers are Polyhymnia
International B.V. custom built.
DSD analogue to digital converter - Meitner design by EMM Labs.
Recording, editing and mixing on Pyramix system by Merging Technologies.
Recording Producer - Michael Serebryanyi
Balance Engineer - Erdo Groot
Recording Engineer - Roger de Schot
Editor - Carl Schuurbiers
(P)&(C) Essential Music, #16b-2, Volokolamskoye shosse,
Moscow, 125080, Russia.
1.10.2004, 3.10.2004 - “Manege” Hall of The Moscow Theatre “School of Dramatic Art”, 16-17.10.2004 - 5th Studio of The Russian Television and
Radio Broadcasting Company (RTR) Moscow, Russia