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Antonio Rosetti. Bohemian Mutineer


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Два отзыва из Международного общества Розетти (The International Rosetti Society - www.rosetti.de) о диске "Antonio Rosetti. Bohemian Mutineer":


Dear Mr. Serebryanyi,

through Klassik Center Klassik I recently received CDs of your Rosetti production. Many thanks for thinking of me and many thanks for the CDs! I am happy - as well as the International Rosetti Society - that we can add to the Rosetti discography such a nice CD: good combination, played with enthusiasm and temperament, good sound and a nicely designed booklet. In addition: So far as I know it is the first SACD with music by Rosetti! Many congratulations from our side and I am sure that you will get really nice reviews! Many thanks as well for mentioning our society as well as my name in the booklet.

With kind regards

The President, International Rosetti Society

Johannes Moesus




Dear Mrs. Andushkevich,

some days ago I received a copy of the new Rosetti-CD of Pratum Integrum Orchestra. I want to express that I am just filled with enthusiasm. It is really wonderful and so much idiomatic with Rosetti's musical language. I think it is one of the very Rosetti-CDs ever recorded. Would you please pass on my impressions to Pavel Serbin and the other musicians. Thank you.

Best wishes

The Vice President, International Rosetti Society

Günther Grünsteudel


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